Speaking of nursing school, I am planning on signing up for microbiology, chemistry and human growth and development this summer. I had to drop chemistry this semester because it was too much to focus on and I was not doing as well as I wanted. Now to pay for them...
Another big issue is health insurance. Since I am in MA, I am required to have it. While I really like this, most of the providers I have now will not accept the state health insurance. So I will have to start fresh with a new set, which is always fun (extreme sarcasm).
On the lupus front, however, there is much better news. I am doing and feeling great. My rheumatologist said this is the healthiest she has seen me in the 2.5 years I have been seeing her. Pretty nice to hear, especially since I feel the same way also.
The semester is wining down, which of course means a lot of work. Oof. I just wish I had a crystal ball to look to the future so I can see if everything will be OK or not.