Monday, September 14, 2009

Just Relax

This weekend my joint pain got pretty bad. I knew that I needed to take it easy: rest, watch tv, in general do what pleases me. However, I am not very good at relaxing. There is always some school work to be done, some errand to be ran, etc. I absolutely did not want my joint pain to progress into a full blown flare, but I also did not want to just take time out to relax because it is not something that comes naturally to me. I'm happiest when I am busy.

Today I am not feeling that well and it is the beginning of the week. Not the best way to start off. And I know I really, really need just to lay in bed for a little bit and let my brain and body chill. But it's not that simple. Spanish class starts in 45 minutes-we have two quizzes. After that I need to get some lunch and then I go to work for a few hours. Then I have homework to do-reading and a video to watch for my online class.

I need to learn how to do this. I cannot do everything. Hopefully, very soon I will figure this out.


Marilyn said...

I'm definitely not a college student (I'm 71) but I just want to congratulate you on your committment to dealing with lupus. It's hard to deal with at any age, but especially when you're young and having to cope with lupus limitations.
I'm writing a new book on lupus (I have one already published) and if you would like to contribute some comments/issues/concerns, please email me at
and I will send more details.
Best wishes,
Marilyn Celeste Morris

Melanie said...

Thank you so much for your comment. Look for an email from me soon.